师资队伍 > 助理教授








牟天,博士,2012年获得华南理工大学数学学士学位,2018年获得爱尔兰国立科克大学统计学博士学位,2018年至2020年期间在瑞典卡罗林斯卡医学院流行病与生物统计学系从事博士后研究工作,2020年加入深圳大学生物医学工程学院。主要研究方向为医学图像分析、生物信息等领域。共发表SCI论文9篇,受邀参加国际学术会议9次,其中作大会演讲报告4次。曾任英国皇家统计协会会员(2016-2018年)。担任Briefings in Bioinformatics、IEEE Access等多个期刊的审稿人。







(2)深圳大学, 青年教师科研启动, 000002111209, 2021-01 至 2022-12, 5万元, 结题, 主持。


(4)广东省科学技术厅, 广东省自然科学基金—面上项目, 2214050003902, 2022-01 至 2024-12, 10万元, 在研, 参与

(5)广东省科学技术厅, 广东省重点领域研发计划项目, 2021B0101420005, 2021-09 至 2024-08, 80万元, 在研, 参与


(1)T. Mou, J. Huang & F. O‘Sullivan*, “The Gamma Characteristic of Reconstructed PET Images: Implications for ROI Analysis,” IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, 2018, 37(5): 1092-1102. (Top期刊,中科院1区,IF=7.8)

(2)J. Huang#, T. Mou#, K. O'Regan & F. O’Sullivan*, “Spatial Auto-regressive Analysis of Correlation in 3-D PET with Application to Model-Based Simulation of Data,” IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, 2020, 39(4): 964-974. (Top期刊,中科院1区,IF=7.8)

(3) T. Mou, W. Deng, F. Gu, Y. Pawitan* & T. N. Vu*, “Reproducibility of Methods to Detect Differentially Expressed Genes from Single-Cell RNA Sequencing,” Frontiers in genetics, 2020, 10(1331): 1-12. (中科院2区, IF=3.5)

(4) T. Mou, Y. Pawitan, M. Stahl, M. Vesterlund, W. Deng, R. Jafari, A. Bohlin, A. Österroos, L. Siavelis, H. Bäckvall, T. Erkers, S. Kiviluoto, B. Seashore-Ludlow, P. Östling, L. M. Orre, O. Kallioniemi, S. Lehmann, J. Lehtiö, T. N. Vu, “The transcriptome-wide landscape of molecular subtype-specific mRNA expression profiles in acute myeloid leukemia”, American Journal of Hematology, 2021, 96(5): 580-588. (Top期刊,中科院1区,IF=10.0)

(5) Y. Wu#, T. Mou#, K. Ma, F. Fan, “Color-Based Clustering Algorithm as A Novel Image Analytical Method for Characterizing Maltose Crystallinity in Amorphous Food Models”, Food Research International, 2021, 144(110367). (Top期刊,中科院1区,IF=6.5)

(6) W. Deng, T. Mou, K. R. Kalarl, N. Niu, L. Wang, Y. Pawitan, & T. N. Vu*, “Alternating EM algorithm for a bilinear model in isoform quantification from RNA-seq data,” Bioinformatics, 2020, 36(3): 805-812.(Top期刊,中科院1区,IF=6.9)

(7) F. Fan, T. Mou, B. Nurhadi, & Y. H. Roos*, “Water sorption-induced crystallization, structural relaxations and strength analysis of relaxation times in amorphous lactose/whey protein systems,” Journal of Food Engineering, 2017, 196:150-158. (Top期刊,中科院1区,IF=3.2)

(8) N. M. Hughes, T. Mou, K. N. O’Regan, P. Murphy, J. N. O’Sullivan, E. Wolsztynski, J. Huang, M. Kennedy, J. F. Eary, & F. O’Sullivan*, “Tumor heterogeneity measurement using [18F]FDG PET/CT shows prognostic value in patients with non-small cell lung cancer,” European Journal of Hybrid Imaging, 2018, 2(1):25.

(9) E. Wolsztynski, J. O’Sullivan, N. M. Hughes, T. Mou, P. Murphy, F. O’Sullivan, F* & K. O’Regan, “Combining Structural and Textural Assessments of Volumetric FDG-PET Uptake in NSCLC,” IEEE Transactions on Radiation and Plasma Medical Sciences, 2019, 3:421-433.


博士期间发表的论文“The Gamma Characteristic of Reconstructed PET Images: Implications for ROI Analysis”荣获爱尔兰国立科克大学颁发的2019年度论文奖项(SEFS Publication of the Year)。