师资队伍 > 副教授








黄淦,博士毕业于上海交通大学,比利时法语鲁汶大学博士后。他的致力于发展鲁棒神经信号解码方法,以及精准的神经调控技术,同时积极将研究成果应用于脑机接口,神经调控以及神经假肢等方面。目前,以第一作者或合作者的形式在国内外高水平杂志Neuroimage,Neural Network杂志发表SCI论文40余篇,获得专利2项,谷歌学术H指数为20。担任IEEE TNNLS,TNSRE,TBME,JbHI,JNE,NeuroImage等多个期刊审稿人。目前,承担国家自然科学基金2项,省市科研项目多项,2021年获教育部自然科学一等奖(排名第7)。编写脑电信号处理软件Letswave7(https://letswave.cn/





1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,62271326,基于听觉高熵响应的闭环脑机接口研究,55万元,主持,在研

2. 国家自然科学基金青年项目,61701316,用于alpha波调制的毫秒级实时解码神经反馈系统,24.5万元,主持,已结题

3. 深圳市自然科学基金面上项目,JCYJ20190808173819182,基于脑电精准智能调控的新型无训练神经反馈系统研究,30万元,主持,在研

4. 深圳市技术攻关重点项目,JSGG20210713091811038,重2021N040高精度、多通道、无创双向脑机接口关键技术研发,270万元,单位负责人,在研


[1]Huang, G.,Hu, Z., Chen, W., Zhang, S., Liang, Z., Li, L., Zhang, L. and Zhang, Z., 2022. M3CV: A Multi-subject, Multi-session, and Multi-task database for EEG-based Biometrics Challenge. NeuroImage, p.119666.

[2] Hu, Z., Zhang, Z., Liang, Z., Zhang, L., Li, L. andHuang, G.,2022. A new perspective on individual reliability beyond group effect for event-related potentials: A multisensory investigation and computational modeling. NeuroImage, 250, p.118937

[3]Huang, G.,Liu, J., Li, L., Zhang, L., Zeng, Y., Ren, L., Ye, S. and Zhang, Z., 2019. A novel training-free externally-regulated neurofeedback (ER-NF) system using phase-guided visual stimulation for alpha modulation. NeuroImage, 189, pp.688-699

[4]Huang, G., Xiao, P., Hung, Y.S., Iannetti, G.D., Zhang, Z.G. and Hu, L., 2013. A novel approach to predict subjective pain perception from single-trial laser-evoked potentials. Neuroimage, 81, pp.283-293.

[5] Liu, T.,Huang, G., Jiang, N., Yao, L. and Zhang, Z., 2020. Reduce brain computer interface inefficiency by combining sensory motor rhythm and movement-related cortical potential features. Journal of Neural Engineering, 17(3), p.035003.

[6]Huang, G.and Cao, J., 2010. Delay-dependent multistability in recurrent neural networks. Neural Networks, 23(2), pp.201-209.

[7]Huang, G., Zhang, D., Meng, J. and Zhu, X., 2011. Interactions between two neural populations: A mechanism of chaos and oscillation in neural mass model. Neurocomputing, 74(6), pp.1026-1034.

[8]Huang, G.,Xian, Z., Tang, F., Li, L., Zhang, L. and Zhang, Z., 2020. Low-density surface electromyographic patterns under electrode shift: Characterization and NMF-based classification. Biomedical Signal Processing and Control, 59, p.101890

[9]Huang, G.,Xian, Z., Zhang, Z., Li, S. and Zhu, X., 2018. Divide-and-conquer muscle synergies: A new feature space decomposition approach for simultaneous multifunction myoelectric control. Biomedical Signal Processing and Control, 44, pp.209-220.

[10] Jin, X., Zhang, Z., Zhang, L., Li, L. andHuang, G., 2022. Using a new phase-locked visual feedback protocol to affirm simpler models for alpha dynamics. Journal of Neuroscience Methods, 368, p.109473.