





杨华艳,现任深圳大学生物医学工程学院特聘教授,国家级青年人才(2020年)和国家“自然科学二等奖”获得者(2018年,5/5)。2014年博士毕业于厦门大学,师从郑南峰教授(杰青,长江 学者),郑兰荪院士和章慧教授。2015年12月-2019年11月先后在瑞士洛桑联邦理工(EPFL)材料学院Francesco Stellacci教授(欧洲科学院院士)课题组和日内瓦大学化学和生物化学学院Thomas Bürgi教授(院长)课题组进行博后研究。2019年12月-2021年3月为日内瓦大学物理化学系讲师。

到目前为止杨华艳教授已在Nature Mater.,Nature Commun.,J. Am. Chem. Soc.,Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.,Chem. Commun.等国际期刊上共发表论文 22 篇论文,累计他引次数近2800,最高单篇他引480次,三篇为ESI高被引用论文。2013 年,Nature News & Comment 和国家自然基金委员会分别以 “Easy route to stable silver nanoparticles”和“我国学者首次表征了硫醇保护的 Ag和 AuAg 纳米颗粒的单晶结构”为标题报道了杨华艳教授以第一作者在零价银纳米团簇领域的突破的研究工作。2014 年,应邀参与 Elsevier 出版社出版的专业书籍《Frontiers of Nanoscience》相关章节的撰写。




1. Yang, H. Y.; Yan J. Z.; Wang, Y; Su, H. F.; Zhao, X. J.; Xu, C. F.; Boon K. Teo, and Zheng, N. F. From Racemic Metal Nanoparticles to Optically Pure Enantiomers in One Pot. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2017, 139 (45), pp 16113–16116. Full text.

2. Yang, H. Y. §; Yan J. Z.§ ; Wang, Y; Su, H. F.; Lars Gell; Zhao, X. J.; Xu, C. F.; Boon K. Teo; Hannu Hakkinen and Zheng, N. F. Embryonic Growth of Face-Center-Cubic Silver Nanoclusters Shaped in Nearly Perfect Half-Cubes and Cubes. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2017, 139 (1), pp 31–34. Fulltext.

3. Yang H. Y.§, Wang, Y§, Chen, X.; Zhao, X. J.; Gu, L.; Huang, H. Q.; Yan, J. Z., Xu, C. F., Li, G., Wu, J. C., Alison J. Edwards, Birger Dittrich; Tang, Z. C.; Wang, D. D.; Lauri Lehtovaara; Hannu Ha¨kkinen & Zheng, N. F.. Plasmonic Twinned Silver Nanoparticles with Molecular Precision. Nature Commun. 2016, Full text.

4. Yang, H. Y.§; Wang, Y.§; Yan, J. Z; Chen, X; Zhang, X; Hannu Hakinen; Zheng, N. F.. Structural Evolution of Atomically Precise Thiolated Bimetallic [Au12+nCu32(SR)30+n]4- (n=0, 2, 4, 6) Nanoclusters. J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2014, 136, 7197-7200. Full text.

5. Yang, H. Y.; Wang, Y.; Huang, H. Q.; Lars Gell; Lauri Lehtovaara; Sami Malola; Hannu Hakkinen; Zheng, N. F.. All-Thiol-Stabilized Ag44 and Au12Ag32 Nanoparticles with Single-Crystal Structures. Nature Commun. 2013, 4, 2422. Full text.

6. Yang, H. Y. Wang, Y.; Lei, J.; Shi, L.; Wu, X. H.; Ville Mäkinen; Lin, S.C; Tang, Z.C.; He, J.; Hannu Häkkinen; Zheng, L.S.; Zheng, N.F.. Lgand-Stabilized Au13Cux (x = 2, 4, 8) Bimetallic Nanoclusters: Ligand Engineering to Control the Exposure of Metal Sites. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2013, 135, 9568−9571. Full text.

7. Yang, H. Y.; Lei, J.; Wu, B. H.; Wang, Y.; Zhou, M.; Xia, A. D.; Zheng, L. S.; Zheng, N. F. Crystal Structure of a Luminescent Thiolated Ag Nanocluster with an Octahedra Ag64+ core. Chem. Commun. 2013, 49, 300-302. Full text.

8. Yang, H. Y.; Wang, Y.; Zheng, N. F.. Stabilizing Subnanometer Ag(0) Nanoclusters by Thiolate and Diphosphine Ligands and Their Crystal Structures. Nanoscale. 2013, 5, 2674-2677. Full text.

9. Wang, X. C.; Wang, Y.; Yang, H. Y.; Fang, H. X.; Chen, R. X.; Sun, Y. B.; Zheng, N. F.; Tan, K.; Lu, X.; Tian, Z. Q. & Cao, X. Y.. Assembled Molecular Face-rotating Polyhedra to Transfer Chirality from Two to Three Dimensions. Nature Commun. 2016,. Full text.

10. Chen, G. X., Xu, C. F.; Huang, X. Q.; Ye, J. Y.; Gu, L.; Li, G.; Tang, Z. C; Wu, B. H.; Yang, H. Y.; Zhao, Z. P.; Zhou, Z. Y.; Fu, G.; Zheng, N. F.. Interfacial Electronic Effects Control the Reaction Selectivity Platinum Catalysts. Nature Materials 15, 564–569 (2016). Full text.


1. 2020年国家“海外高层次青年人才项目”

2. 2018年国家自然科学奖二等奖

3. 2014年,厦门大学优秀毕业生,厦门大学科研进步奖,厦门大学优秀共产党员代表。

4. 2013年,吉林大学唐敖庆奖学金,厦门大学吴思敏奖学金,厦门大学固体表面物理化学国家重点实验室优秀三好生奖



Biographical Information

Prof. Huayan Yang is a distinguished Professor at the School of Biomedical Engineering, Shenzhen University. She earned her Ph.D. in Inorganic Chemistry from Xiamen University in 2014 and had worked as postdoc both at École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne(EPFL) and University of Geneva from December 2015 to November 2019. Since December 2019 she was promoted as a maître-assistante (lecturer) at the department of physical chemistry, University of Geneva .

In 2020 she had been rewarded the “1000 Young Talent Program” by China government and joined Shenzen University in October 2021. Her research interests focused on chiral inorganic nanomaterials with atomically precise structures and their applications in bioapplications, medical and asymmetric catalysis.