
【丽湖生工大讲坛第二十讲】纽约州立大学布法罗分校Leslie Ying教授应邀在我院开展学术报告

        应深圳大学医学部生物医学工程学院邀请,纽约州立大学布法罗分校Leslie Ying教授作为“丽湖生工大讲坛”的第二十位特邀嘉宾,于2024年04月24日上午在丽湖校区A2-517(1)会议室举行学术报告,主题为“Publishing Medical Imaging Research in IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging”。此次讲座吸引了来自医学部生物医学工程学院、电子与信息工程学院以及计算机与软件学院师生的积极参与。



        IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging (TMI)是由IEEE的主要期刊,致力于传播促进医学影像学方法学发展的前沿研究成果。它不仅是医学图像研究领域的典范之作,更以其权威性和专业性赢得了全球学者的广泛认可与高度赞誉。Leslie Ying教授的报告聚焦于向潜在作者介绍TMI的范围、编辑标准和影响。此外,重点介绍期刊的主题、统计数据和同行评议过程。


        首先,Leslie Ying教授介绍了TMI的范围。该期刊的重点是统一医学、生物学和成像科学,并强调了仪器、硬件、软件、数学、物理、生物和医学通过新的分析方法相互作用的共同基础。此外,Leslie Ying教授详尽地介绍了期刊的组织构成,包括科学顾问委员会、指导委员会以及编辑和副主编等各个角色及其所肩负的重要职责。她进一步阐述了成为审稿人的条件和流程,并特别呼吁相关研究者积极投身于审稿工作,以共同推动期刊在医学影像学领域内的深远影响。最后,Leslie Ying教授详细阐述了TMI的基本情况,其中涉及历年论文的接受率统计以及全球各国在该期刊上的投稿数量等重要数据。


雷柏英教授向主讲嘉宾Leslie Ying教授颁发生物医学工程学院“丽湖生工大讲坛”荣誉证书


        她的报告内容既生动又丰富,现场气氛热烈而活跃。针对在场师生关于如何在TMI上发表论文以及TMI如何定量评价方法的创新性等疑问,Leslie Ying教授给予了细致且全面的解答,让师生们受益匪浅,对期刊的运作和论文发表有了更为深入的了解。


Leslie Ying教授简介


        Dr. Leslie Ying is the Furnas Chair Professor of Biomedical Engineering and Electrical Engineering at the University at Buffalo, the State University of New York.

She received her B.E. in Electronics Engineering from Tsinghua University, China in 1997 and both her M.S. and Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering from the University of Illinois at Urbana - Champaign in 1999 and 2003, respectively. Prior to joining University at Buffalo in 2012, she was a faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at the University of Wisconsin – Milwaukee.

Her research interests include magnetic resonance imaging, compressed sensing, image reconstruction, and machine learning. She has contributed to advancing various biological and medical imaging modalities using computational methods. Dr. Ying received a CAREER award from the National Science Foundation in 2009.

She was elected as an Administrative Committee member of IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society in 2013-2015. She was an Associate Editor of IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, a Deputy Editor of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, and an editorial board member of Scientific Reports. She has been the Editor-in-Chief of IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging since 2019. She is a Fellow of AIMBE and ISMRM.